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Heaven's Landing, Clayton, GA (GE99)


If you have ever considered living in a fly-in community, and desire the convenience of a 5,200 foot runway at your doorstep, complemented by beautiful scenery, great weather, and just about every amenity that one can think of, then we have the perfect place for you!

Heaven's Landing truly is a mountain estate airpark like no place on earth. Whether you fly a home built aircraft or a corporate jet, Heaven’s Landing offers what a private flying family wants at a very affordable price. The weather is gorgeous, the scenery is unbelievable, and the location is perfect. As a full time residence or a second home, you’ll be hard pressed to find a finer place to live.

Heaven's Landing is much more than just the 'commonly misconceived' runway in the middle of nowhere. To the contrary, Heaven’s Landing is a fly-in community that is in the middle of EVERYWHERE, literally located just 3.8 miles from downtown! We also have a new affiliation with Waterfall Country Club as well!

When you live at Heaven's Landing you have no reason or need to be anywhere else, yet you always have the flexibility to conveniently go anywhere that you want to be. Heaven's Landing is a waypoint to the world, but more importantly Heaven’s Landing is the perfect destination.

Heaven's Landing was featured on 'The Aviators' which aired internationally on The Discovery Channel. Click: HERE to watch it now, or go to to view several additional videos that feature Heaven's Landing and the fly-in lifestyle.

Tours are available 7 days a week. Give us a call at (800) 432-8362 or email when you are ready to stop in and take a tour of the finest fly-in community in the world. Whether you stay for a couple of hours or a couple of days, we promise that you are going to want to live here forever! - Submitted by Monica Hunt
All destinations and events listed on this website were provided by visitors to our website. If you decide to fly or drive to any destination listed, you do so at your own risk. Please see our disclaimer.

100LL Avgas Biking
Computerized Weather Courtesy Car(s) Fishing
Food Hangars Hiking
Hotels Near Airport JET-A Rental Cars
Self Serve 100LL Shuttle to Local Hotels Sightseeing
Store(s) Tiedowns
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Contact Information:
Phone: 706-212-0017
Airport Information:
Heaven'S Landing (GE99)

Latitude: 34-54-51.0600N
Longitude: 083-27-33.9300W
Elevation: 2724
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A

See it on a Google Map!

1271 Little Creek Rd
Clayton, GA
Current Weather at Clayton, GA: is an Amazon Associate. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
Nearby Airports: (20 mile radius)
ID Name City/State/Use Chart Name Distance
GA18 Big Creek Flying Ranch Clayton, GA
Atlanta 6 miles
GA67 King Sky Ranch Clarkesville, GA
Atlanta 13 miles
GA30 Rockin R Clarkesville, GA
17 miles
GA45 Arrendale Forest Clarkesville, GA
18 miles
NC08 Tusquittee Landing Hayesville, NC
Charlotte 20 miles
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